Small signal stability analysis of a four-machine system with placement of multi-terminal high voltage direct current link
three-phase short circuit fault, generator inertia, commutation failures, PSS and AVR, thyristors converter, MTDC link, small-signal stabilityAbstract
Inter-area oscillation caused by weak interconnected lines or low generator inertia is a critical problem facing power systems. This study investigated the performance analysis of a multi-terminal high voltage direct current (MTDC) on the damping of inter-area oscillations of a modified two-area four-machine network. Two case studies were considered, utilising scenario 1: a double alternating current (AC) circuit in linking Bus_10 and Bus_11; and scenario 2: a three-terminal line commutated converter high voltage direct current system in linking Bus_6 and Bus_11 into Bus_9. It was found that scenario 2 utilising MTDC link with a robust controller provided quick support in minimising the network oscillations following a fault on the system. The MTDC converter controllers’ setup offered sufficient support for the inertia of the AC system, thus providing efficient damping of the inter-area oscillation of the system.
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