A statistical exploration of interval-deficient wind speed data for application to wind power assessments
wind power assessment, renewable resource modelling, Weibull distribution, interval deficient data, sauran, feasibility study cost reductionAbstract
Gathering quality wind speed data can be time-consuming and expensive. The present study established whether interval-deficient wind speed data could be rendered useful for wind power assessments. The effect of interval deficiency on the quality of the wind speed data was investigated by studying the behaviour of the Weibull scale and shape factors as the interval size between wind speed measurements increased. Five wind speed data sets obtained from the Southern African Universities Radiometric Network (Sauran) were analysed, based on a proposed procedure to find the true Weibull parameters from an interval-deficient wind speed data set. It was found that the relative errors in the Weibull parameters were, on average, less than 1%, compared with the Weibull parameters computed from a wind speed data set that complies with the IEC 61400-12-1:2005(E) standard. This finding may contribute to time and cost reduction in wind power assessments. It may also promote the application of statistical methods in the renewable energy sector.
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Copyright (c) 2019 F. Lubbe, T. Harms, J. Maritz

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