An empirical analysis of the co-benefits of integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Namibian energy sector
Climate change; Public-private partnership; Energy policy; Adaptation and mitigation synergies; Namibia.Abstract
The Namibian energy sector and other energy sectors across the globe are currently in a rapid transformation era that must respond to climate change, which directly affects energy infrastructure’s resilience to the effects of resource scarcities or extreme weather conditions. The energy sector must implement adaptation to guarantee the resilience of vital infrastructure to fulfil its regulatory commitments, which cover the elements of resilience and safety. Through investigating climate change adaptation and mitigation implementation in Namibia, this study validates the existence of these co-benefits where integration is fully observed. It employed a meta-analysis and content analysis to link the observed variables to the most recognised co-benefits. The findings suggest that integration is an efficient way to generate co-benefits that contribute positively to the climate change project. Effective leadership support is one way of realising such integration, either via public-private partnership or energy policy. Namibian energy policy, it is suggested, through voluntary tools and incentives, should create key public-private partnerships and promote management. These recommendations have application beyond the Namibian energy sector, and the lessons learned here could be implemented in scenarios outside of it.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kassian T.T. Amesho, Emmanuel Innocents Edoun, Sioni Iikela, Timoteus Kadhila, Lovisa R. Nangombe

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