The adoption of energy efficiency and a policy framework for Zimbabwe




investment, energy regulator, Zimbabwean industry, energy research


Recent policy discussions on energy use in Zimbabwe sparked interest in the economic case for energy efficiency, suggesting the need to investigate the relevant costs and benefits. This paper investigated the potential of energy efficiency in manufacturing industries in Zimbabwe. Data collection was done using questionnaires, walk-through audits and semi-structured interviews. The data set was then analysed using regression analysis. The results show that there would be significant potential energy saving in Zimbabwe through adopting various energy efficiency programmes. The main energy efficiency barriers identified were: poorly structured electricity tariffs; risk of production disruption; resistance of operational staff to a changed working style; lack of coordination between company divisions; lack of information on energy efficiency programmes; and lack of support from senior management on issues that relate to energy efficiency. A straightforward energy efficiency policy framework is proposed, and three main players identified, namely government, energy regulator, and research institutions.


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How to Cite

Dzobo, O., Tazvinga, H., Chihobo, C. H., & Chikuni, E. (2020). The adoption of energy efficiency and a policy framework for Zimbabwe . Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 31(3), 1-13.