Russian energy projects in South Africa


  • J. An
  • A. Mikhaylov Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation



energy sources, South African energy policy, resource saving, economic development, energy cooperation


From early 2019, South Africa and Russia have planned to increase their energy trade. Russia can become one of the world’s five largest energy exporters. This study examines of the cost of a kilowatt of electricity generated by coal power projects in South Africa and compares nuclear electricity with other types of green energy. This method must help to improve the management decision-making process in South Africa for energy exporta. Reasons for this persistence include the marketing strategies of Russian companies for seeking new markets in industrialised and postindustrial countries where, due to intensive competition, sales of Russian high-tech products are often unsuccessful. Renewable energy gives a chance to potentially reduce poverty in South Africa. The study concludes that imported crude oil is more suited to the needs of the refining industry of South Africa. The consumption for this type of energy in areas not concerning industry is insignificant and its increase is unlikely to be observed in the future.

• Nuclear energy is popular energy source in South Africa now.
• Provision of sustainable energy services helps to find the sources for economic growth.
• Renewable energy technologies have opportunity for reduce nuclear production in South Africa.
• Bio-energy can become the main source of energy in South Africa.


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<span>Photo by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Natalya Letunova</a> on <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a></span>




How to Cite

An, J., & Mikhaylov, A. (2020). Russian energy projects in South Africa. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 31(3), 58-64.