The development of a socio-economic model to promote women’s empowerment initiatives in the renewable energy sector of South Africa
socio-economic empowerment, empowerment of women, mainstream gender, renewable energy, local economic developmentAbstract
This study investigates the main contributors that can positively influence the socio-economic empowerment of women in the renewable energy sector in the Republic of South Africa, and recommends new and innovative approaches to mainstream gender in the sector. Empirical evidence showed that ethical leadership positively influences good governance and successful women’s empowerment. The results also indicated that social investment and broad-based black economic empowerment positively influence successful women’s empowerment. Finally, the results indicated that sustainable programmes are a positive contributing factor to good governance. However, the respondents did not consider stakeholder engagement statistically significant to good governance or successful women’s empowerment. This study also has the potential to contribute to the improvement of impoverished communities in South Africa and elsewhere.
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