Experiences with improved cookstoves in Southern Africa
ICS, technology uptake, household energy, energy ladder, energy stacking, cooking fuels, sustained useAbstract
This study explores user experiences with improved cookstoves, drawing on findings from household surveys conducted in South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia. Investigations were conducted on fuel and stove preferences; experiences with improved biomass cookstoves; the rationale for fuel and stovestacking subsequent to the initial uptake of improved biomass cookstoves; and aspirations for energy and fuel use among improved biomass cookstove users. Significant differences were identified in the perceived benefits of improved biomass cookstoves in the four countries and their priorities, with the most important benefits being fuel and cost savings. These would affect the reference frames within which end-users adopt improved biomass cookstoves. Local circumstances and diverse sets of priorities that affect household decisions need to be considered when promoting or rolling out improved cookstove initiatives.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Whitney Pailman, Jiska de Groot, Michael Clifford, Sarah Jewitt, Charlotte Ray

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