The viability of biomethane as a future transport fuel for Zambian towns: A case study of Lusaka




Biogas, biomethane, future transport fuel, environmental, social and economic benefits


The objective of the study was to determine the viability of biomethane as a transport fuel for Zambian urban towns. The study revealed good potential for biomethane production and use as a transport fuel in Zambian towns, using Lusaka as a case example. There is 3.67 million m3 biomethane potential from municipal solid waste alone in Lusaka. About 3 000 tonnes of organic fertiliser would replace an equivalent amount of chemical fertiliser. The replaced chemical fertiliser would lead to about 5.816 GgCO2eqy-1 as avoided emissions. The study showed a positive net present value at the prevailing market interest rates of 28–40%; the project would become unviable at interest rates higher than that. It was estimated that the project would recover its initial investment in a maximum of two years. The research findings have closed data and information gaps in Zambia and have potential to contribute to academic research, policymaking, investments, financing and interested parties.


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Biomethane as a future transport fuel




How to Cite

Shane, A., Kafwembe, Y., & Kafwembe, P. (2018). The viability of biomethane as a future transport fuel for Zambian towns: A case study of Lusaka. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 29(3), 86-95.