Energy use, poverty and development in the SADC


  • J.C. Nkomo University of Cape Town



The purpose of this paper is to investigate the rela-tionship between economic growth, energy use, poverty alleviation and development in the Sou-thern African Development Community (SADC) countries. Association is drawn between human development indices and energy consumption, eco-nomic growth and poverty. It turns out that poverty has a bearing on the types of energy consumed, which in turn, affects health, education and income earning opportunities. Access to reliable and afford-able energy remains an essential prerequisite for combating poverty, and available evidence shows that a significant proportion of the population in SADC countries lack access even to the most basic energy supplies and services. Furthermore, inequal-ities penalize the poor by leaving them with a small-er share of income thus limiting their energy sources and weakening the poverty-reducing power of growth.


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Author Biography

  • J.C. Nkomo, University of Cape Town
    Energy Research Centre Snr Research Officer




How to Cite

Nkomo, J. (2007). Energy use, poverty and development in the SADC. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 18(3), 10-17.