An energy system planning model for the industrial sector in Nigeria


  • P.C. Njoku University of Cape Town



This paper reports the energy system modelling projection in the industrial sector of Nigeria. It is car-ried out to provide a long term perspective on the Scenario buildings for the industrial energy system of Nigeria. The projections have inter-sectoral con-sistency only to the extent those of the Federal Republic of Nigeria have to the inter-industrial link-ages, which are no doubt important. However, it appears that input-output tables have not been instructed and regularly impeded and expanded as part of the planning scenarios that have been gen-erated on the contested demand, which is to assume constant energy intensity in future years. The basis for projecting energy demand in the industrial sector is to estimate the likely changes in energy consumption intensity and the ratio of ener-gy consumption to value added. It is considered expedient and pragmatic to use a scenario for con-structing an optimal level forecast, projecting a desirable energy equilibrium pattern for the year 2010.


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Author Biography

  • P.C. Njoku, University of Cape Town
    Energy Research Centre Snr Research Officer




How to Cite

Njoku, P. (2008). An energy system planning model for the industrial sector in Nigeria. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 19(2), 25-28.