The targeting of industrial energy audits for DSM planning


  • M I Howells Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town



electricity consumption, demand side management, industrial energy audits, energy saving, energy audits, payback periods


The scope of this section of the study is to establish which industries to target for energy audits and demand side management (DSM) projects. As only a limited number of audits will be conducted, it is important to establish how to maximise the return on the invested efforts and resources. The aim is thus, to develop a ranking of industries based on their potential for savings from DSM interventions. It considers the following criteria: 1. Electricity consumption and potential DSM savings from retrofits at existing plants; 2. Electricity consumption and potential DSM savings for new plants; 3. Potential DSM interventions by industry; 4. The costs of a suite of DSM interventions by industry; and 5. The technical ease with which DSM may be implemented by industry. The potential for DSM savings for different industrial sectors is evaluated based on these criteria, using aggregated values sourced from local and international studies. DSM measures are applied to the various ‘end uses’ of electricity within each industry. From these we suggest a shortlist of 10 industries to target for energy audits and data gathering. We consider both industry and mining, and refer to the group collectively as industry. The data gathered in the energy audits will be used to refine estimates of the potential for DSM savings in each sector. Data loggers will be installed to measure electricity consumption and demand profiles (kW load as a function of time), which will be used to estimate the impact of DSM interventions on national demand for energy and power. This can provide valuable input to power system planning and analysis in the future.


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How to Cite

Howells, M. I. (2006). The targeting of industrial energy audits for DSM planning. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 17(1), 58-65.