Demand for energy in Zimbabwe industries: an aggregated demand analysis


  • J C Nkomo Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • H E Goldstein Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Norway



This paper describes interfuel substitution for liquid fuel, coal and electricity in Zimbabwe manufacturing and mining using a translog cost function. Our data series spans over a 24 year period. To mitigate the short time span of this time series data, we partially pool time-series cross-section observations, and take into account the ‘random effects’ and ‘fixed effects’ framework in estimating regression equations. Estimated results are used to determine possibilities for interfuel substitution particularly given persistent increases in the price of liquid fuel. We use an aggregated demand approach as this should both sharpen our results and yield more efficient estimates.


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How to Cite

Nkomo, J. C., & Goldstein, H. E. (2006). Demand for energy in Zimbabwe industries: an aggregated demand analysis. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 17(3), 39-48.