The study of solar absorption air-conditioning systems


  • V Mittal Mechanical Engineering BRCM College of Engineering & Technology Bahal (HR) and Research Scholar, NIT, Kurukshetra (HR)
  • KS Kasana Mechanical Engineering NIT, Kurukshetra (HR)
  • NS Thakur Mechanical Engineering NIT, Hamirpur (HP)



solar energy, absorption cooling system, air-conditioning, lithium bromide and water


An air-conditioning system utilizing solar energy would generally be more efficient, cost wise, if it was used to provide both heating and cooling requirements in the building it serves. Various solar powered heating systems have been tested extensively, but solar powered air conditioning systems have received very little attention. Solar powered absorption cooling systems can serve both heating and cooling requirements in the building it serves. Many researchers have studied the solar absorption air conditioning system in order to make it economically and technically viable. But still, much more research in this area is needed. This paper will help many researchers working in this area and provide them with fundamental knowledge on absorption systems, and a detailed review on the past efforts in the field of solar absorption cooling systems with the absorption pair of lithium-bromide and water. This knowledge will help them to start the parametric study in order to investigate the influence of key parameters on the overall system performance.


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Author Biographies

  • V Mittal, Mechanical Engineering BRCM College of Engineering & Technology Bahal (HR) and Research Scholar, NIT, Kurukshetra (HR)
    Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering,
  • KS Kasana, Mechanical Engineering NIT, Kurukshetra (HR)
    Professor, Mechanical Engineering,
  • NS Thakur, Mechanical Engineering NIT, Hamirpur (HP)
    Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering


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How to Cite

Mittal, V., Kasana, K., & Thakur, N. (2005). The study of solar absorption air-conditioning systems. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 16(4), 59-66.