Socioeconomic determinants of household hybrid electricity adoption on Bugala Island in Uganda


  • Patrick Kayima Department of Geography, Geo-informatics and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
  • Frank Mugagga Department of Geography, Faculty of Science and Education, Busitema University, Tororo, Uganda
  • Charlotte Nakakaawa Jjunju Department of Geography, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technolog, Norway



island communities, energy policy, household energy transition, rural electrification, energy development


The shift towards renewable energy is resulting in increased investment in energy infrastructure, affecting communities of all sizes worldwide. A study on Bugala Island in Lake Victoria, Uganda, explored how socioeconomic factors influence households' decision to adopt hybrid solar electricity. The study utilised a binary logistic regression analysis of cross-sectional research design to understand the significant socioeconomic factors influencing the adoption. The sex of the household head, education level, monthly income, tenure status, and wall and floor materials were the most significant factors for the adoption. However, results suggest that age, household size, marital status, and main occupation were not statistically significant factors in adopting hybrid solar electricity. Insights from these variables can enable policymakers to formulate more efficient and equitable policies geared towards fostering the widespread integration of clean energy solutions. It should be noted that the socioeconomic factors vary in context and location; solar energy systems should be tailored to the needs of each community rather than being implemented using a standardised approach.


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Author Biography

  • Charlotte Nakakaawa Jjunju, Department of Geography, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technolog, Norway




Aarakit, S. M., Ntayi, J. M., Wasswa, F., Adaramola, M. S., & Ssennono, V. F. (2021). Adoption of solar photovoltaic systems in households: Evidence from Uganda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329(May), 129619.

Adeyemi K.O, A. A. . (2014). A review of the energy situation in uganda. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(1), 2–5.

Alinda, K., Geoffrey, M. S., & Adaramola, M. S. (2021). Overview of Opportunities and Challenges of Solar Photovoltaic Promotion in Uganda. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 9(4), 34-54., 9, 6.

Alipour, M., Ghaboulian Zare, S., Taghikhah, F., & Hafezi, R. (2023). Sociodemographic and individual predictors of residential solar water heater adoption behaviour. Energy Research and Social Science, 101, 103155.

Ang’u, C., Muthama, N. J., Mutuku, M. A., & M’IKiugu, M. H. (2023). Determinants of the sustained use of household clean fuels and technologies: Lessons from Vihiga county, Kenya. Energy Reports, 9, 1990–2001.

Bhamidipati, P. L., Haselip, J., & Elmer Hansen, U. (2019). How do energy policies accelerate sustainable transitions? Unpacking the policy transfer process in the case of GETFiT Uganda. Energy Policy, 132(May), 1320–1332.

Bjergegaard, R. (2015). Rural Electrification of Uganda: A Technological and Least-cost Feasibility Study. (Doctoral Dissertation, MSc. Thesis. Aalborg University)., 2015.

Blimpo, M. P., Postepska, A., & Xu, Y. (2020). Why is household electricity uptake low in Sub-Saharan Africa? World Development, 133, 1–41.

Bongomin, O., & Nziu, P. (2022). A Critical Review on the Development and Utilization of Energy Systems in Uganda. The Scientific World Journal, 2022.

Cartland, R. (2022). Socio-economic analysis of solar photovoltaic-based mini-grids in rural communities : A Ugandan case study. Journal of Energy in South Africa, 33(3), 36–50.

Cartland, R., Sendegeya, A. M., & de Dieu Khan Hakizimana, J. (2022). Socio-economic analysis of solar photovoltaic-based mini-grids in rural communities: A Ugandan case study. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 33(3), 36–50.

Come Zebra, E. I., van der Windt, H. J., Nhumaio, G., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2021). A review of hybrid renewable energy systems in mini-grids for off-grid electrification in developing countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144(April).

Dorian, J. P., Franssen, H. T., & Simbeck, D. R. (2006). Global challenges in energy. Energy Policy, 34(15), 1984–1991.

Dunn, K. (2021). Research Methods in Human Geography. In Research Methods in Human Geography.

ERA. (2019). Uganda’s Grid-Connected Solar Portfolio Increases.

Etongo, D., & Naidu, H. (2022). Determinants of household adoption of solar energy technology in Seychelles in a context of 100% access to electricity. Discover Sustainability, 3(1).

Fashina, A., Mundu, M., Akiyode, O., Abdullah, L., Sanni, D., & Ounyesiga, L. (2019). The Drivers and Barriers of Renewable Energy Applications and Development in Uganda: A Review. Clean Technologies, 1(1), 9–39.

Fritz, M., & Berger, P. D. (2015). Will anybody buy? Logistic regression. In Improving the User Experience Through Practical Data Analytics.

Groenewoudt, A. C., Romijn, H. A., & Alkemade, F. (2020). From fake solar to full service: An empirical analysis of the solar home systems market in Uganda. Energy for Sustainable Development, 58, 100–111.

Gustavsson, M., Broad, O., Hankins, M., & Sosis, K. (2015). Energy Report for Uganda – A 100% Renewable Energy Future by 2050. December, 92.

Guta, D. D. (2020). Determinants of household use of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies in rural Ethiopia. Technology in Society, 61, 101249.

H. Muhammad et al. (2016). Rural–Urban Transformation, Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and CO2 Emissions Using STRIPAT Model for BRICS Countries. AIChE, 9.

Hansen, U. E., Pedersen, M. B., & Nygaard, I. (2015). Review of solar PV policies, interventions and diffusion in East Africa. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 46 , 236-248.

Katongole, D. N., Nyeinga, K., Okello, D., & Mukiibi, D. (2023). Spatial and Temporal Solar Potential Variation Analysis in Uganda Using Measured Data. Tanzania Journal of Science, 49(1), 1–14.

Kavuma, C., Sandoval, D., & de Dieu, H. K. J. (2022). Analysis of solar photo-voltaic for grid integration viability in Uganda. Energy Science and Engineering, 10(3), 694–706.

Kayima, P. (2023). Evaluating the implication of Hybrid Solar Energy electrification on people’s livelihood: A case of Bugala Island, Kalangala District.

Kayima, P., Semakula, H. M., Wasswa, H., Mugagga, F., & Mukwaya, P. I. (2023). Analysis of the socio-economic benefits of on-grid hybrid solar energy system on Bugala island in Uganda. Energy for Sustainable Development, 77(October), 101332.

Kelebe, H. E., Ayimut, K. M., Berhe, G. H., & Hintsa, K. (2017). Determinants for adoption decision of small scale biogas technology by rural households in Tigray, Ethiopia. Energy Economics, 66, 272–278.

Khan, M. A., Zeb, K., Sathishkumar, P., Himanshu, L., Srinivasa Rao, S., Gopi, C. V. V. M., & Kim, H. J. (2018). A novel off-grid optimal hybrid energy system for rural electrification of Tanzania using a closed loop cooled solar system. Energies, 11(4), 1–22.

Kiran Kumar Poloju, Vikas Rao Naidu, Chiranjeevi Rahul Rollakanti, Ram Kishore Manchiryal, A. J. (2022). View of new method of data collection using Kobo ToolBox. Journal of Positive School of Pyschology.

Lakshminarasimhappa, M. C. (2021). Web-Based and Smart Mobile App for Data Collection: Kobo Toolbox / Kobo Collect. The Journal of Indian Library Association (JILA), 57(2), 1–603.

Lin, B., & Kaewkhunok, S. (2021). The role of socio-Culture in the solar power adoption: The inability to reach government policies of marginalized groups. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144(January).

Mazzone, A. (2019). Decentralised energy systems and sustainable livelihoods, what are the links? Evidence from two isolated villages of the Brazilian Amazon. Energy and Buildings, 186, 138–146.

Mbaka, C. K. (2021). Spatial variation of household energy consumption across counties in Kenya. African Geographical Review, 00(00), 1–32.

Mbaka, C. K., Gikonyo, J., & Kisaka, O. M. (2019). Households’ energy preference and consumption intensity in Kenya. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 9(1).

Mothala, M., Thamae, R., & Mpholo, M. (2022). Determinants of household energy fuel choice in Lesotho. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 33(2), 24–34.

Mugagga, R. G., & Chamdimba, H. B. N. (2019). A Comprehensive Review on Status of Solar PV Growth in Uganda. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 3(4), 1–14.

Nagaiah, M., & Ayyanar, K. (2016). Software for Data Analysis in SPSS On over view. In Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Sponsored Two-Day National Conference on Research Methodology in Library and Information Science [NCRMLIS 2016].

Nzabona, A., Tuyiragize, R., Asiimwe, J. B., Kakuba, C., & Kisaakye, P. (2021). Urban Household Energy Use: Analyzing Correlates of Charcoal and Firewood Consumption in Kampala City, Uganda. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2021(2011).

Penyelidikan, J. (2006). Sample size estimation using Krejcie and Morgan and Cohen statistical power analysis: A comprison. Jurnal Penyelidikan IPBL, 7, 78–86.

Polack, A. (2021). Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition Series: Enabling Frameworks for Sustainable Energy Transition. Commonw. Sustain. Energy Transit. Ser. 2021 03, 1–22., 14(1), 1–13. Secretariat, London

Salite, D., Cotton, M., & Kirshner, J. (2022). Enabling Uptake of Off‐Grid Solar: The Case of Mozambique. Climate and Energy, 39(5), 18–25.

Sardianou, E., & Genoudi, P. (2013). Which factors affect the willingness of consumers to adopt renewable energies? Renewable Energy, 57, 1–4.

Simpson, N. P., Rabenold, C. J., Sowman, M., & Shearing, C. D. (2021). Adoption rationales and effects of off-grid renewable energy access for African youth: A case study from Tanzania. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141(February), 110793.

Soltani, M., Rahmani, O., Pour, A. B., Ghaderpour, Y., Ngah, I., & Misnan, S. H. (2019). Determinants of variation in household energy choice and consumption: Case from Mahabad City, Iran. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(17).

Ssenyimba, S., Kiggundu, N., & Banadda, N. (2020). Designing a solar and wind hybrid system for small-scale irrigation: A case study for Kalangala district in Uganda. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 10(1), 1–18.

Taye, B. Z., Nebey, A. H., & Workineh, T. G. (2020). Design of floating solar PV system for typical household on Debre Mariam Island. Cogent Engineering, 7(1).

Twaha, S., Ramli, M. A. M., Murphy, P. M., Mukhtiar, M. U., & Nsamba, H. K. (2016). Renewable based distributed generation in Uganda : Resource potential and status of exploitation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 57, 786–798.

UBOS. (2021a). The Uganda national household survey. Uganda Bureau of Statistics, 76.

UBOS. (2021b). Uganda National Household Survey 2019/2020. In Uganda Bureau of Statistics.

Uganda Bureau of Statistcs (UBOS), & ICF. (2017). Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016: Key Indicators Report. Kampala, Uganda. UBOS, and Rockville, Maryland, USA.

UOMA. (2018). Mapping the Ugandan Off-grid Energy Market. Uganda Off Grid Energy Market Accelerator, 2018. file:///C:/Users/Dell Latitude/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/UOMA - 2018 - Mapping the Ugandan Off-grid Energy Market.pdf

UOMA. (2020). Off-grid energy in Uganda. Kampala, Uganda. 2020. map_vFUpdated.pdf

Aarakit, S. M., Ntayi, J. M., Wasswa, F., Adaramola, M. S., & Ssennono, V. F. (2021). Adoption of solar photovoltaic systems in households: Evidence from Uganda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329(May), 129619.

Adeyemi K.O, A. A. . (2014). A review of the energy situation in uganda. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(1), 2–5.

Alinda, K., Geoffrey, M. S., & Adaramola, M. S. (2021). Overview of Opportunities and Challenges of Solar Photovoltaic Promotion in Uganda. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 9(4), 34-54., 9, 6.

Alipour, M., Ghaboulian Zare, S., Taghikhah, F., & Hafezi, R. (2023). Sociodemographic and individual predictors of residential solar water heater adoption behaviour. Energy Research and Social Science, 101, 103155.

Ang’u, C., Muthama, N. J., Mutuku, M. A., & M’IKiugu, M. H. (2023). Determinants of the sustained use of household clean fuels and technologies: Lessons from Vihiga county, Kenya. Energy Reports, 9, 1990–2001.

Bhamidipati, P. L., Haselip, J., & Elmer Hansen, U. (2019). How do energy policies accelerate sustainable transitions? Unpacking the policy transfer process in the case of GETFiT Uganda. Energy Policy, 132(May), 1320–1332.

Bjergegaard, R. (2015). Rural Electrification of Uganda: A Technological and Least-cost Feasibility Study. (Doctoral Dissertation, MSc. Thesis. Aalborg University)., 2015.

Blimpo, M. P., Postepska, A., & Xu, Y. (2020). Why is household electricity uptake low in Sub-Saharan Africa? World Development, 133, 1–41.

Bongomin, O., & Nziu, P. (2022). A Critical Review on the Development and Utilization of Energy Systems in Uganda. The Scientific World Journal, 2022.

Cartland, R. (2022). Socio-economic analysis of solar photovoltaic-based mini-grids in rural communities : A Ugandan case study. Journal of Energy in South Africa, 33(3), 36–50.

Cartland, R., Sendegeya, A. M., & de Dieu Khan Hakizimana, J. (2022). Socio-economic analysis of solar photovoltaic-based mini-grids in rural communities: A Ugandan case study. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 33(3), 36–50.

Come Zebra, E. I., van der Windt, H. J., Nhumaio, G., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2021). A review of hybrid renewable energy systems in mini-grids for off-grid electrification in developing countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144(April).

Dorian, J. P., Franssen, H. T., & Simbeck, D. R. (2006). Global challenges in energy. Energy Policy, 34(15), 1984–1991.

Dunn, K. (2021). Research Methods in Human Geography. In Research Methods in Human Geography.

ERA. (2019). Uganda’s Grid-Connected Solar Portfolio Increases.

Etongo, D., & Naidu, H. (2022). Determinants of household adoption of solar energy technology in Seychelles in a context of 100% access to electricity. Discover Sustainability, 3(1).

Fashina, A., Mundu, M., Akiyode, O., Abdullah, L., Sanni, D., & Ounyesiga, L. (2019). The Drivers and Barriers of Renewable Energy Applications and Development in Uganda: A Review. Clean Technologies, 1(1), 9–39.

Fritz, M., & Berger, P. D. (2015). Will anybody buy? Logistic regression. In Improving the User Experience Through Practical Data Analytics.

Groenewoudt, A. C., Romijn, H. A., & Alkemade, F. (2020). From fake solar to full service: An empirical analysis of the solar home systems market in Uganda. Energy for Sustainable Development, 58, 100–111.

Gustavsson, M., Broad, O., Hankins, M., & Sosis, K. (2015). Energy Report for Uganda – A 100% Renewable Energy Future by 2050. December, 92.

Guta, D. D. (2020). Determinants of household use of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies in rural Ethiopia. Technology in Society, 61, 101249.

H. Muhammad et al. (2016). Rural–Urban Transformation, Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and CO2 Emissions Using STRIPAT Model for BRICS Countries. AIChE, 9.

Hansen, U. E., Pedersen, M. B., & Nygaard, I. (2015). Review of solar PV policies, interventions and diffusion in East Africa. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 46 , 236-248.

Katongole, D. N., Nyeinga, K., Okello, D., & Mukiibi, D. (2023). Spatial and Temporal Solar Potential Variation Analysis in Uganda Using Measured Data. Tanzania Journal of Science, 49(1), 1–14.

Kavuma, C., Sandoval, D., & de Dieu, H. K. J. (2022). Analysis of solar photo-voltaic for grid integration viability in Uganda. Energy Science and Engineering, 10(3), 694–706.

Kayima, P. (2023). Evaluating the implication of Hybrid Solar Energy electrification on people’s livelihood: A case of Bugala Island, Kalangala District.

Kayima, P., Semakula, H. M., Wasswa, H., Mugagga, F., & Mukwaya, P. I. (2023). Analysis of the socio-economic benefits of on-grid hybrid solar energy system on Bugala island in Uganda. Energy for Sustainable Development, 77(October), 101332.

Kelebe, H. E., Ayimut, K. M., Berhe, G. H., & Hintsa, K. (2017). Determinants for adoption decision of small scale biogas technology by rural households in Tigray, Ethiopia. Energy Economics, 66, 272–278.

Khan, M. A., Zeb, K., Sathishkumar, P., Himanshu, L., Srinivasa Rao, S., Gopi, C. V. V. M., & Kim, H. J. (2018). A novel off-grid optimal hybrid energy system for rural electrification of Tanzania using a closed loop cooled solar system. Energies, 11(4), 1–22.

Kiran Kumar Poloju, Vikas Rao Naidu, Chiranjeevi Rahul Rollakanti, Ram Kishore Manchiryal, A. J. (2022). View of new method of data collection using Kobo ToolBox. Journal of Positive School of Pyschology.

Lakshminarasimhappa, M. C. (2021). Web-Based and Smart Mobile App for Data Collection: Kobo Toolbox / Kobo Collect. The Journal of Indian Library Association (JILA), 57(2), 1–603.

Lin, B., & Kaewkhunok, S. (2021). The role of socio-Culture in the solar power adoption: The inability to reach government policies of marginalized groups. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144(January).

Mazzone, A. (2019). Decentralised energy systems and sustainable livelihoods, what are the links? Evidence from two isolated villages of the Brazilian Amazon. Energy and Buildings, 186, 138–146.

Mbaka, C. K. (2021). Spatial variation of household energy consumption across counties in Kenya. African Geographical Review, 00(00), 1–32.

Mbaka, C. K., Gikonyo, J., & Kisaka, O. M. (2019). Households’ energy preference and consumption intensity in Kenya. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 9(1).

Mothala, M., Thamae, R., & Mpholo, M. (2022). Determinants of household energy fuel choice in Lesotho. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 33(2), 24–34.

Mugagga, R. G., & Chamdimba, H. B. N. (2019). A Comprehensive Review on Status of Solar PV Growth in Uganda. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 3(4), 1–14.

Nagaiah, M., & Ayyanar, K. (2016). Software for Data Analysis in SPSS On over view. In Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Sponsored Two-Day National Conference on Research Methodology in Library and Information Science [NCRMLIS 2016].

Nzabona, A., Tuyiragize, R., Asiimwe, J. B., Kakuba, C., & Kisaakye, P. (2021). Urban Household Energy Use: Analyzing Correlates of Charcoal and Firewood Consumption in Kampala City, Uganda. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2021(2011).

Penyelidikan, J. (2006). Sample size estimation using Krejcie and Morgan and Cohen statistical power analysis: A comprison. Jurnal Penyelidikan IPBL, 7, 78–86.

Polack, A. (2021). Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition Series: Enabling Frameworks for Sustainable Energy Transition. Commonw. Sustain. Energy Transit. Ser. 2021 03, 1–22., 14(1), 1–13. Secretariat, London

Salite, D., Cotton, M., & Kirshner, J. (2022). Enabling Uptake of Off‐Grid Solar: The Case of Mozambique. Climate and Energy, 39(5), 18–25.

Sardianou, E., & Genoudi, P. (2013). Which factors affect the willingness of consumers to adopt renewable energies? Renewable Energy, 57, 1–4.

Simpson, N. P., Rabenold, C. J., Sowman, M., & Shearing, C. D. (2021). Adoption rationales and effects of off-grid renewable energy access for African youth: A case study from Tanzania. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141(February), 110793.

Soltani, M., Rahmani, O., Pour, A. B., Ghaderpour, Y., Ngah, I., & Misnan, S. H. (2019). Determinants of variation in household energy choice and consumption: Case from Mahabad City, Iran. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(17).

Ssenyimba, S., Kiggundu, N., & Banadda, N. (2020). Designing a solar and wind hybrid system for small-scale irrigation: A case study for Kalangala district in Uganda. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 10(1), 1–18.

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How to Cite

Socioeconomic determinants of household hybrid electricity adoption on Bugala Island in Uganda. (2024). Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 34(1), 1-12.

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