Learning from the literature on community development for the implementation of community renewables in South Africa


  • Holle L. Wlokas University of Cape Town
  • Peter Westoby The University of Queensland
  • Sue Soal




community development, community renewables, community relations and development, REIPPPP, community benefit


Implementation of large-scale wind, solar and hydro projects in South African communities is intended to contribute to local economic development. Government policy, through the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Prog-ramme (REIPPPP), obliges energy companies to share revenue and ownership with local communities, thus providing renewable energy companies with a significant opportunity to position the industry as a significant contributor to community development and thus to the country’s transformation and development agenda. This investigation draws on policy documents and interview data to establish that the policy’s lack of appreciation for existing community development tradition and frameworks, commonly applied in South African development policy and programmes, has weakened its potential. Furthermore, it theoretically positions the emerging practice employed by the renewables industry in the implementation of the REIPPPP requirements, and outlines how existing academic and practical knowledge about community development and company-community relations can provide guidance and support in building an impactful practice.

Keywords: community relations and development, REIPPPP, community benefit, project implementation, social performance

•    South Africa is implementing a unique version of pro-poor renewable energy policy.
•    Industry and local communities and government need to build quality relationships to successfully implement the policy requirements.
•    The policy and practice ignores established community development traditions and frameworks.
•    Existing knowledge grounded in South African practice and policy experience can guide the sector’s understanding of and vision for development.


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Author Biographies

  • Holle L. Wlokas, University of Cape Town
    Phd Candidate, Energy Research Centre
  • Peter Westoby, The University of Queensland

    Senior Lecturer in Community Development

    School of Social Sciences

    Program Director, Masters of Development Practice (MDP)
    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Sue Soal
    Social and organisational process consultant


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How to Cite

Wlokas, H. L., Westoby, P., & Soal, S. (2017). Learning from the literature on community development for the implementation of community renewables in South Africa. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 28(1), 35-44. https://doi.org/10.17159/2413-3051/2017/v28i1a1592