Evaluation of a wind farm project for a smart city in the South-East Coastal Zone of Mauritius


  • AZ Dhunny University of Mauritius
  • MR Lollchund University of Mauritius
  • SDDV Rughooputh University of Mauritius




wind energy assessment, two-parameter weibull distribution, wind power, wind turbines


A study was carried out to analyse the potential of wind energy in the generation of electricity for a smart city which is located in the South-East Coastal Zone of Mauritius. A flat land area of 10 square km situated about 3.5 km from the smart city was chosen for the placement of a wind farm. The viability of the location was assessed by analysing ten years (Jan 2005 to Dec 2014) of mean hourly wind speed measured at a height of 10 m above ground level (m.a.g.l). The speed data was filtered according to the AWS (1997) guidelines and computed at 60 m.a.g.l using the power law formula. At this height, the average wind speeds was approximately 6.5 m/s, which was considered cost effective, as per the European Wind Energy Union guidelines for the harvesting of wind power. Estimated yearly power generated by a wind farm consisting of 40 wind turbines, each of rating capacity 275 kW, placed at a hub height of 60 m were made. The study resulted in an investment proposal for a 11 MW wind farm project in Mauritius.


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How to Cite

Dhunny, A., Lollchund, M., & Rughooputh, S. (2016). Evaluation of a wind farm project for a smart city in the South-East Coastal Zone of Mauritius. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 27(1), 39-50. https://doi.org/10.17159/2413-3051/2016/v27i1a1565