Determination of oxidation characteristics and decomposition kinetics of some Nigerian biomass


  • Edmund C Okoroigwe University of Nigeria
  • S O Enibe University of Nigeria
  • S O Onyegegbu University of Nigeria



thermogravimetric analysis, combustion index, activation energy, biomass, bioenergy reaction order


The oxidation characteristics and devolatilisation kinetics studies of palm kernel shell (Elaeis guineensis), African bush mango wood and shell (Irvingia wombolu), and African border tree wood (Newbouldia laevis), were carried out by the thermogravimetric method. A thermogravimetric analyser TA Q500 instrument was used at a heating rate of 30 °C.min-1 under oxidative conditions. It was observed that all the samples followed a two-stage structural decomposition between 200 °C and
500 °C. The greatest mass loss rate occurred within the oxidation stage (200–375 °C) in all the samples. The ignition temperature of the samples ranged from 275–293 °C while their burnout temperatures ranged from 475–500 °C. During the oxidation
stage, African bush mango shell was the most reactive sample, while palm kernel shell was the least. During the char combustion stage (375–500 °C), the reactivity of palm kernel shell was the highest. The average activation energy of the samples for the entire decomposition period are 140, 270, 131 and 231 kJ.mol-1 respectively. The biomass samples considered are thus suitable for combustion purposes for bioenergy production with minimal external energy input.


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How to Cite

Okoroigwe, E. C., Enibe, S. O., & Onyegegbu, S. O. (2016). Determination of oxidation characteristics and decomposition kinetics of some Nigerian biomass. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 27(3), 39-49.