Promoting energy efficiency in a South African university


  • Nandarani Maistry University of Johannesburg
  • Tracey Morton McKay University of Johannesburg



sustainability, campus operations, barriers, champions


Electricity supply issues have resulted in widespread blackouts and increased utility costs in South Africa. This is placing financial pressure on universities as they have limited means of increasing their income to cover the additional energy costs and, at the same time, are energy-intensive due to peculiar usage patterns and sprawling campuses with many (and often large) buildings. Thus, they must become energy-efficient. This is a case study of one such attempt. Four main findings emerged. Firstly, energy demand side management (DSM) had to be implemented in distinct phases due to unforeseen implementation hurdles. Secondly, there are both barriers and enablers to becoming an energy-efficient campus; that is, DSM requires managerial buy-in, capacitated operational personnel and money. Thirdly, personnel can either support or hinder DSM implementation. So, while hiring dedicated, skilled personnel to harness organisational commitment to DSM is essential, all personnel need training in energy-efficient behaviour and should be held accountable for DSM initiatives within their sphere of influence. An energy champion – at the highest level of the organisation – to influence policy and drive the behavioural and structural changes required, is strongly recommended. Lastly, DSM technologies may be readily available but are not necessarily bought, installed or used correctly due to behavioural and institutional cultural constraints.


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How to Cite

Maistry, N., & McKay, T. M. (2016). Promoting energy efficiency in a South African university. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 27(3), 1-10.