Guideline for energy management in the South African wine industry




energy management, energy efficiency, cost cutting, wine industry, guideline


Pressure is mounting on the wine industry to consider energy management interventions to, inter alia, reduce energy consumption – to be more competitive, become more self-reliant, and to reduce the carbon footprint of the sector. This paper then summarises the process that was undertaken to develop an appropriate energy management guideline for the South African wine industry. It is based on a literature analysis of best practices elsewhere, and a number of case studies across different sizes of winery operations in South Africa. The positive outcomes from energy management interventions at these cases are demonstrated, but a number of challenges are also highlighted. Recommendations are made accordingly.


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Author Biography

  • Alan Brent, Stellenbosch University
    Professor of Engineering Management and Sustainable Systems in the Department of Industrial Engineering, and Associate Director of the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies, at Stellenbosch University.


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How to Cite

Brent, A., Silinga, C., & Sanetra, N. (2016). Guideline for energy management in the South African wine industry. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 27(4), 53-63.