Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of stakeholders on biofuels as an enabler in a South African bio-based economy


  • Chipo Mukonza Institute of Corporate Citizenship, University of South Africa



biofuels, bio- based, economy, perceptions, stakeholder, South Africa


This study investigates stakeholder knowledge, attitudes, and public perception concerning biofuels as an enabler towards a bio-based economy. In innovation and adoption studies, perceptions play a critical role in the acceptance of a technology. Biofuels have been touted as a clean fuel with an ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously creating employment and growing economies. South Africa is in the process of transitioning towards a bio-based economy. Accordingly, policies and institutions have been developed to promote biofuels production and distribution. Knowledge, attitude and perception (KAP) surveys were carried out to deepen knowledge and understanding of the stakeholder’s KAP. Emails as well as telephonic and group interviews based on open questions and social media were used to gather data. The study employed cluster, purposive random and snowball sampling to select the participants with descriptive statistics, thematic analysis and discourse analysis used to analyse the data. The study found that the introduction of biofuels presents many opportunities and benefits for the economy and unlocking the potentials for the rural entrepreneurs. Stakeholders have concerns and issues regarding the use of biofuels on their internal combustion engines. The study recommends proper communication and education should be done on the benefits of biofuels in a bio-based economy.


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Author Biography

  • Chipo Mukonza, Institute of Corporate Citizenship, University of South Africa
    Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Mukonza, C. (2017). Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of stakeholders on biofuels as an enabler in a South African bio-based economy. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 28(3), 107-118.