Wind energy in South Africa: A review of policies, institutions and programmes


  • Chipo Mukonza Institute of Corporate Citizenship, University of South Africa
  • Godwell Nhamo UnisaInstitute of Corporate Citizenship



renewable energy; initiatives; stakeholders


South Africa is promoting renewable energy such as wind power to address the objectives of both energy security and sustainable development. This paper reviews the nature of policies, institutional set-up and programmes in place to upscale especially onshore wind energy uptake, as reflected in publicly available documents. It shows that South Africa has put in place critical policies, institutions and programmes for wind energy uptake. Among key policy documents and policies are the White Paper on Energy (1998), Renewable Energy White Paper (2003), Energy Act of 2008, and National Climate Change Response White Paper (2011). There is also the Integrated Energy Plan, the Integrated Resource Plan (2010, revised 2013) and Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Renewable Energy Projects of 2015. Key institutions noted include the South African National Energy Development Institute, the South African Renew-able Energy Council and the South African Wind Energy Association. The main programme is the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme, which resulted in more than 30 installed wind energy projects. Overall, wind energy promises to be among the viable and acceptable technologies in the renewable energy sector in South Africa.


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Author Biographies

  • Chipo Mukonza, Institute of Corporate Citizenship, University of South Africa
  • Godwell Nhamo, UnisaInstitute of Corporate Citizenship

     Chief Researcher and Exxaro Chair in Business & Climate Change

    Institute for Corporate Citizenship

    University of South Africa

    P O Box 392, UNISA, 0003


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How to Cite

Mukonza, C., & Nhamo, G. (2018). Wind energy in South Africa: A review of policies, institutions and programmes. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 29(2), 21-28.